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Essential Reiki
For many years information about Reiki was a closely guarded secret, passed on through verbal lineage with very little written recording. When taking a class students were not allowed to bring written information home. Because memorization took time to occur, students advanced slowly. If a student could find a book about Reiki, it was about the history of Reiki, not the practice. The hand positions were never shown, there were few diagrams and the symbols were never to be be revealed to the public.
Essential Reiki Book
In 1995, Crossing Press published Essential Reiki: A Complete Guide to an Ancient Healing Art by Diane Stein and the world of alternative healing changed forever. For the first time in the history of this ancient healing tradition, the secrets were revealed. Hand positions, their purpose and how and why Reiki works were put into print, even the Reiki symbols were shown. The ability to heal was shown to be a God given birthright, as natural to our existence as taking a breath. The steps to reclaim this ability were clearly laid out, and an attunement process was shown to unlock our genetic healing powers. While no book can replace the directly-received Reiki attunements given in a Reiki Class, this book provides an informative background which serves as a wonderful adjunct to Reiki training.
Reiki Classes and Training
Reiki is the re-awakening of our connection to the Universal Ki or life energy. Everything that has life has ki - the activating energy of the Universe. Through the Reiki classes, the student receives Reiki attunement, which connects the receiver in an increased way to its limitless source. more...
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